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精緻CG 壯麗史詩燃亮生命

為了向「動畫王國」日本傳福音,CBN於1981年製作親子動畫 “Superbook”,創下逾400萬觀眾的高收視。此後,這股熱潮遍佈全球106國,觀眾達5億人﹗尤其該系列89年於前蘇聯啓播後,更感動600萬名思想受無神論主義篏制的兒童寫信給CBN,令“Superbook”成為創意佈道的傳奇。

時至今日,三維CG大行其道,“Superbook”原版的80年代畫風早已不合時宜,於是CBN不惜工本將該系列重新製作成3D動畫 。有別於《埃及王子》(The Prince of Egypt)糅合2D手繪和3D技術,無論人物設計還是場景佈置,“Superbook”皆以3D動畫呈現,務求將紅海一分為二、但以理毋懼獅嘯等震懾場面,栩栩如生地呈現在新一代眼前。

另外,眼見智能手機成為新一代隨身物,Facebook、twitter等社交媒體廣受歡迎,為迎合年輕人口味,CBN製作「Superbook網站」與“Superbook Bible App“,該網站和應用程式除了上載所有動畫集數之外,更擷取華麗劇照配合相關經文,鼓勵小朋友閱讀神的話語。


趣味Mini Games 娛樂讀經一舉兩得

當小朋友讀完經文,大人是時候獎賞他們了。怕寵壞孩子嗎﹖那不如獎勵他們玩益智遊戲吧﹗Superbook網站提供21款Mini games供會員消閑,既有經典彈珠遊戲「神奇水果樹」,智力遊戲如「巧妙拼圖」﹔更有音樂遊戲「勁爆結他王」、體育遊戲「Gizmo三分球」﹔冒險遊戲「消失的星球」等。不論男孩女孩、文靜好動,必然有一款遊戲讓他們愛不釋手。而作為福音網站,自然少不得聖經知識遊戲,「英文聖經問答遊戲」兼顧英語閱讀和屬靈知識﹔「快樂找單字」則旨在記誦聖經詞匯,如 “Paul”(保羅)、 “Gentiles”(外邦人)和“Create”(創造)等,可謂寓娛樂於學習﹗

此外,若網友登記成為注冊用戶,玩Mini games時可累積超級分,藉此赢得徽章或勳章,建立自己的Superbook個性形像。用戶亦可參加網站定期舉行的有獎問答遊戲,最新一題為「亞伯拉罕獻兒子以撒為祭,以撒這名字有什麼意思﹖」如此,主日學不限於教會活動,而是兒童下課後或臨睡前的日常生活。


文章與圖片出處: http://goo.gl/W2VwrG

程式-資料庫評價巨匠電腦知識庫 | 程式/資料庫評價是巨匠電腦所有。巨匠電腦收集相關資訊於評價平台,讓 …

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巨匠電腦好評價分享 木炭銅燈工藝展現


超厲害工業設計 巨匠電腦分享木炭銅燈
德國設計師  Ingo Schuppler純手工打造的FSC認證的木炭銅燈——Schwarzes Gold,黑酷無比,質感十足!銅質的內壁反射出材質本身的光澤與亮度,與黑炭的外壁形成鮮明對比。經典簡約的造型讓燈具更顯沉著冷靜。巨匠電腦評價好!

這段製作精良的視頻是Schwarzes Gold的製作過程,材質在設計師的手中變成藝術創作的靈感,過程很享受。

The Making of “Schwarzes Gold” from ingo schuppler on Vimeo.



One material, one form – one story.

To me, a product should not attract attention through overloaded design. Instead, it’s about the thought – the idea – coupled with intelligent design, which helps bring the product into existence. The product’s final design should be about elaborating things more deeply and understanding the world around us better. In short, it’s about designing a better future.

An example of this is the product development of “Schwarzes Gold:”

“Schwarzes Gold” does not begin with its material nor end with its form. The lamp wants to bring light into the darkness by making people think. Its story is about responsibility, conviction, and sustainable design.

Today lamps with energy-saving light bulbs are titled as “eco-friendly.” For granted, saving energy is a fundamental principle for sustainable design, but it is only a fraction of the whole. In a time characterized by vanishing natural resources, climate change, and toxic waste, the eco-friendliness of a lamp depends on more than just its light bulb. The materials used, the production process, the packaging, and its disposal must be considered.

As a designer of the future, it is my responsibility to pay attention to all of these aspects. This is why “Schwarzes Gold” transforms words into action and calls for shifting to whole-system thinking within the industry, economy, and consumers.

Material & Production:
During the material selection for “Schwarzes Gold,” much consideration was given to the materials’ simplicity and their compatibility with nature. The black lampshade is made ​​out of 100% natural materials. The binding agent consisting of flour and water is mixed with FSC-certified charcoal.

Next, the liquid substance is poured into the form and baked for a few hours at low temperature, which keeps the ecological footprint of “Schwarzes Gold” low. During the baking process, the copper form is baked into the black charcoal mix, which creates a solid bond between the two elements. After the baking process, the now firm and non-staining material is removed from its mold by hand. The pressed copper sheet serves as a reflector for the energy-efficient LED-bulb and gives the light an inviting warm reflection.

Even though the burning of coal emits climate-warming and polluting greenhouse gases, to this day, this fossil fuel is still currently Germany’s number one energy source. Given this problematic issue, the used charcoal is not burned, but its application was deliberately not foregone . The lamp’s thought-provoking deep black coal material wants to remind customers that they also carry a responsibility.

When looking at “Schwarzes Gold,” consumers are reminded to also think about where their electricity is actually coming from, since this is another vital part of a lamp. When “Schwarzes Gold” reaches the end of its life span, the charcoal material can easily be dissolved in water. Thus, the 100% biodegradable organic material is given back to nature and the rest can be recycled separately.

The modern yet timeless design of “Schwarzes Gold” reflects my philosophy of sustainable design. For timeless design obtains long-term consumer acceptance, which minimizes future market assimilations as well as associated development and resource expenditures.

Even “Schwarzes Gold’s” final form promotes sustainable practices in industry and society. Its black coal lampshade and the vaulted bell-shaped lamp complement one another; and together they symbolize the challenges of our time to create a sustainable society.

“Schwarzes Gold” rings in an era of rethinking and change.


文章與圖片出處: http://www.mydesy.com/schwarzes-gold-lamp-by-ingo-schuppler





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